Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through fire ceremony, you honor your lessons and old beliefs by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit. When you release these wounds, stories and patterns into the fire, you heal deeply at the level of the soul. Fire goes to a primal place, the flame is today as it was at the beginning of time; it is living breathing Spirit and it resides in us and in all of life
A despacho ceremony is a means of feeding and establishing Ayni (Sacred reciprocity, the principle of energetic exchange, of the give and take among all things; balance, harmony, right relationship). Despacho ceremonies are the primary healing practice among the medicine men and women in Peru. Despachos are offered for the land, animals, health, water, blessings, gratitude, honoring those who have died and more.
If you need a weekend appointment, please call or text for availability. 608-449-1007
Blessings and Grace,